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光寶科技 LITEON Smart Factory

隨著工業化的發展為現代人的整體生活型態飲食環境等帶來一連串的改變現在人在可以生活得更長壽時,許多文明病就會發生的更快更多,而醫療院所的工作負擔也隨之增加。 當醫生為患者做疾病診斷時,經常需要參考病人的生化檢驗數,如何幫助醫生快速得到準確的檢測結果、讓患者得到最即時的診斷,是光寶skyla發展POCT(point-of-care testing)檢測產品的重要使命, 同時追求持續為客戶開發準確、方便、快速並值得信賴的診斷儀器及檢測項目,以滿足時效性及方便性的臨床診斷及檢驗需求。光寶skyla發展POCT(point-of-care testing)檢測產品的重要使命,即是幫助醫生快速得到準確的檢測結果、讓患者得到最即時的診斷。

As the life expectancy in a modern society extends, the frequency and number of diseases of affluence are increasing and the work burden of medical staff is getting heavier. When diagnosing the patients, doctors usually need to refer to the result of biochemical tests; the important mission LiteOn skyla developing POCT (point-of-care testing) check devices is to help doctors to obtain results quickly and patients to get the most immediate diagnosis without leaving home. Meanwhile, LiteOn skyla continuously develops accurate, convenient, fast and trustable diagnosis instruments and test items to address the requirements of timely and easy clinical diagnoses test. The important mission of Lite-On Skyla when developing POCT (point-of-care testing) check devices is to help doctors to obtain results quickly and patients get the most immediate diagnosis without leaving home, for realizing the real time medical result and diagnosis.

光寶提供的產品與服務包含臨床化學分析儀與POC 糖化血色素定點照護儀獸醫專用生化分析儀,其中臨床化學分析儀運用精準的光學量測技術,結合單次使用拋棄式試劑盤,試劑盤內含乾燥試劑,可用於定量檢測血液中不同的生化指標,操作簡便。

The products and services provided by LITEON, including Medical SBU and POC Clinical Chemistry Analyzer. And Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Provides the Best Solution for Point of Care Testing, the reagent disc contains a set of dry assay reagents that are used in the quantitative testing of various bio-markers in the blood sample.



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